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Behaviour change: general approaches

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2007)


Evidence Categories

  • Care setting: Family/Home Setting
  • Care setting: Community setting
  • Population group: Adults
  • Population group: General Population
  • Population group: Children & Young adults
  • Intervention: Changing attitudes and social norms around alcohol
  • Intervention: Supporting behaviour change
  • Outcome: Abstinence from alcohol
  • Outcome: Changes to frequency/amount of alcohol use

Type of Evidence



This guideline covers a set of principles that can be used to help people change their behaviour. The aim is for practitioners to use these principles to encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle by, for example, stopping smoking, adopting a healthy diet and being more physically active.


This guideline recommends a set of principles to use as the basis for:

  • providing education and training for those delivering them
  • delivery of these activities, including one-to-one and community-based programmes and those aimed at specific populations
  • evaluation of their effectiveness and cost effectiveness