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Acronym | Description |
PHW | Public Health Wales |
Setting | Description |
Healthcare Setting | Reviews in this category include intervention delivered in any healthcare setting (primary or secondary). |
Environmental Setting | Reviews in this category include interventions aiming to change or impact the physical environment. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for the physical environment. |
Family/Home Setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered to families, usually in their own homes. |
Secondary Care | Reviews in this category include interventions undertaken in secondary care settings (such as hospitals). Guidance in this category includes recommendations for implementation in secondary care settings. |
College/University Setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in colleges or universities. |
Community setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in the community. |
Workplace setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in any workplace settings. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this setting. |
Educational Setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in any educational setting from pre-school up to higher education. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for settings not categorised elsewhere in this map. |
Other settings | Interventions delivered in a setting which is not specifically identified as a setting of interest in the map of interest. |
Supported living/care homes | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in supported living accommodation or care homes |
School Setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in schools or preschools. |
Prisons | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in prisons |
Not described | Reviews in this category do not describe a specific setting. |
Early years | |
Non-educational setting | |
Primary care | Reviews in this category include interventions undertaken in primary care settings (such as GP surgeries). Guidance in this category includes recommendations for implementation in primary care settings. |
Museums | |
Public, private, voluntary and community sectors t | |
Multisetting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in more than one setting |
Social care | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in a social care setting. |
Events settings | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in events settings, such as festivals. |
Any setting | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in any setting |
Voluntary sector | Reviews in this cateogry include interventions delivered in the voluntary sector. |
Outdoor settings | Reviews in this category focus on interventions delivered in outdoor settings, such as beaches, woods, forests and parks. |
Profit, non-profit or governmental organisations | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in profit, non-profit or governmental organisations |
Any setting in which there is a disease outbreak, | Reviews in this category include interventions delivered in any setting in which there is a disease outbreak. |
Group | Description |
Family | |
Religious communities | Reviews in this category focus on people from religious communities. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
5-to-11 years old | |
No restriction | There were no restrictions on who received the intervention in reviews of this category. |
Men | Reviews in this category focus on men. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Mental health condition | Reviews in this category focus on people diagnosed with a mental health condition of any kind. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Physical health condition | Reviews in this category focus on people with a pre-existing physical health condition of any kind. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Adolescents | Reviews in this category include adolescents (aged 11-18). Guidelines in this category cover this age group. |
Military/ ex military | Reviews in this category focus on military or ex military populations. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Adults | Reviews in this category include studies on adults aged 18+. Guidelines in this category cover this age group |
Children & Adolescents | Reviews in this category include studies on children and adolescents (aged 0-18). Guidelines in this category cover this age group. |
Pre existing health condition | Reviews in this category focus on populations with a pre-existing health conditions (physical or mental). Guidelines in this category include recommendations for people with pre-existing health conditions. |
Women | Reviews in this category focus on women. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Transgender | Reviews in this category focus on transgender populations. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
People not registered with a GP | Reviews in this category focus on people who have not registered with a primary-care provider. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
11-to-18 years old | |
Asylum seekers | Reviews in this category focus on asylum seekers. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Pregnancy/ post-partum | Reviews in this category focus on pregnant or post-partum women. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Prisoner/ ex prisoner | Reviews in this category focus on prisoners or ex prisoners. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Specific occupational group | Reviews in this category focus on a particular occupational group. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for specific occupational groups. |
Past history of suicide attempts or self harm | Reviews in this category focus on people with a past history of suicide attempts or self harm. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Intellectual disability | Reviews in this category focus on people diagnosed with an interllectual disability. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Neurodevelopmental disorder | Reviews in this category focus on people diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic populations | Reviews in this category focus on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic persons. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this group. |
Adults with complex needs | Reviews in this category focus on adults aged 18 or over who need a high level of support with many aspects of their daily life, and rely on a range of health and social care services. |
Caregiver | Reviews in this category focuses on individuals who provide direct care i.e., social or physical support to an ill or ageing relative. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Young adults (18-25) | Reviews in this category include studies in adults aged 18-25. Guidelines in this category cover this age group. |
General Population | Reviews in this category focus on the general population as a whole or specify no particular population inclusion criteria. Guidelines in this category cover the general population or are not specific to a certain population group. |
Domestic violence victim / perpetrator | Reviews in this category focus on domestic violence victims or perpetrators. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Patients | Reviews in this category focuses on individuals receiving medical care or treatment. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Older adults | Reviews in this category focus on Adults aged 65 and over. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this group. |
Other population group | Reviews in thic category focus on a specific population group, but not categorised elsewhere in this map. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for specific population groups not categorised elsewhere in the map. |
Men who have sex with men | Reviews in this category focus on men, including those who do not identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, who engage in sexual activity with other men. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Drug users | Reviews in this category focus on people who misuse opioids, stimulants and cannabis in the healthcare and criminal justice systems. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Migrants | Reviews in this category focus on migrants. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
People from non-English speaking families | Reviews in this category focus on people from non-English speaking families. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Low socioeconomic status | |
Under 5s | Reviews in this category include children less than 5 years of age. Guidelines in this category cover this age group. |
Living with disability | Reviews in this category focuses on individuals living with any condition or impairment that makes it more difficult to paricipate in or complete certain activities and or restricts interaction with the world around them. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Students | Reviews in this category focus on university students. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Young people leaving long-term care | Reviews in this category focus on young people leaving long-term care. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
People receiving home visits for healthcare | Reviews in this category focus on people who have home visits for healthcare. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Housebound | Reviews in this category focus on people who are unable to leave their home environment through physical or psychological illness. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Not described | Reviews in this category do not describe a specific population. |
Care home residents | Reviews in this category focus on people who reside in care homes. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
High Risk Group | Reviews in this category focus on groups identified as being at higher risk of not receiving routine childhood vaccinations, such as young substance misusers, young offenders, new entrants (asylum seekers, gypsy, travellers), children with learning disabilities, young people with long-term care and pregnant or postpartum women with an alcohol or drug problem. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Gypsy, Roma and traveller communities | Reviews in this category focus on those from the Gypsy, Roma and traveller communities. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
General population | Reviews in this category focus on the general population |
People with cancer | Reviews in this category focus on people who are living with cancer. |
5-to-18 years old | Reviews in this category include children 5 years and over. Guidelines in this category cover this age group. |
Parents/carers | Reviews in this category focuses on individuals who have parental responsibility for a child (as defined by the Children's Act 1989) and who will have a key role to play in planning and making decisions about their child's health and care, particularly when they are young. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Homeless | Reviews in this category focus on people who are homeless or sleep rough. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Children & Young adults | Reviews in this category focus on children and young people aged up to 25. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this group. |
Bereaved or affected by a suspected suicide. | Reviews in this category focus on people bereaved or affected by suspected suicide. Guidelines in this category cover this population group. |
Current / previous history of substance misuse | Reviews in this category focus on people with a current or previous history of substance misuse. Guidelines in this category include recommendations for this population group. |
Healthcare professionals | Reviews in this category focus on healthcare professionals |
Healthcare students | Reviews in this category focus on healthcare students |
People at risk of low wellbeing and loneliness | Reviews in this category focus on people at risk of low wellbeing and loneliness. |
Police officers | Reviews in this category focus on police officers. |
Supervisors | Reviews in this category focus on supervisors of employees who are held responsible for their work and actions. |
Category | Sub Category | Description |
Interventions to improve social capital outcomes | Interventions designed to improve social capital outcomes- neighbourhood belonging, social support networks and community cohesion |
Universal Intervention | Psychoeducation | designed to increase knowledge of suicide and help seeking |
Universal Intervention | Means restriction | Interventions designed to restrict means to suicide (e.g. physical barriers, preventing access, reducing environmental hazards), |
Selective interventions | Pharmacological interventions | Prescribed drugs to help prevent / treat a condition. E.g. antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers etc. |
Environmental Changes | Interventions that aim to make physical changes to the environment as a way to try to alter a particular behaviour. |
Indicated intervention | Pharmacological interventions | Prescribed drugs to help prevent / treat a condition. E.g. antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers etc. |
Environment / Policy Intervention | Measures to alter or control the physical or social environment, or any course of action, programme or activity taken that is mandated by national or local authorities. |
Selective interventions | Multicomponent (multiple selective components) | Interventions with multiple different components, but all applied at a selective level (focusing on subpopulations with an elevated risk). |
Media Intervention | Interventions delivered via media platforms such as mass media or social media. Generally content is not individualised. |
Incentives / Competitions | Interventions offering an incentive as a way to change a particular behaviour. |
Indicated intervention | Multicomponent (multiple indicated components) | Interventions with multiple different components, but all applied at an indicated level (aimed at persons already known to be vulnerable to sucide and self-harm, or who have attempted suicide). |
Behavioural | Interventions to illicit behaviour change such | |
Universal Intervention | Gate keeper training | Interventions designed to equip people/professionals in particular settings to increase knowledge and skills, identify warning signs and refer to other services. |
Universal Intervention | Awareness raising | Interventions to raise awareness in the community, or specific settings, of the scale and impact of a subject, address common misconceptions & encourage help-seeking etc. |
Universal Intervention | Media reporting interventions | Developing plans with the media to promote guidance on best practice for media reporting of suicide. |
Universal Intervention | Multicomponent (multiple universal components) | Interventions with multiple different components, but all applied at a universal level (targeting the general population with coverage of the population as a whole). |
Selective interventions | Psychosocial Interventions | Therapeutic interventions/treatments to produce change in psychological, social, biological and/or functional outcomes. Interventions might help people to improve their general coping skills, tackle specific problems, manage psychiatric disorders, improve self-esteem etc. Examples include cognitive behavioural therapy, dialetical behaviour therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy etc. |
Selective interventions | Natural Remedies | Interventions to prevent a condition which include the use of natural therapies, methods or materials (e.g. dietary supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids). |
Selective interventions | Educational interventions | Educational teaching aiming to do things such as inform on a subject or provide awareness/information. For example: classroom based diadctic and experimental programmes or academic courses. |
Other Intervention | Interventions that do not fit into one of the other intervention categories included on the specific map of interest. |
Environmental and conservation activities | Interventions involving environmental or conservation activities |
Improvements to community infrastructure | Interventions involving the improvement of community infrastructure |
Indicated intervention | Harm minimisation | Interventions / strategies to help people reduce the risk and make it as safe as possible when self harming. |
Indicated intervention | Crisis intervention | An immediate response, by one or more individuals, to the acute distress experienced by another individual designed to ensure safety and recovery and lasting no longer than a month. E.g. home based care with intensive case management and initial crisis intervention, joint crisis plans, advance treatment statements, contact with community mental health teams etc. |
Multicomponent | across more than one level | Interventions consisting of multiple components, targeted at different levels (universal, selective or indicated). For example: Multi-agency partnerships for preventing suicide. |
Indicated intervention | Information and support | Information and support provided to people as well as families/carers which could include explanatory and/or practical information. |
Indicated intervention | Natural Remedies | Interventions to prevent a condition which include the use of natural therapies, methods or materials (e.g. dietary supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids). |
Indicated intervention | crisis response / safety plan | Handwritten plans to help individuals in crisis remember why they want to live and manage their stress more effectively, or to recognise triggers, identify coping strategies, provide contact details of help/support etc. |
Exercise programmes | Interventions involving bodily movement (including during leisure time) that result in energy expenditure which may be tailored to an individuals needs. This could include movement such as through sport, dance, Tai Chi Qigong, walking, stretching, weights and group exercise. |
Homelike models of care | Interventions using homelike models of care for residents of long- term care facilities |
Bupropion | Bupropion (brand name Zyban) is a medicine originally used to treat depression, but it has since been found to help people quit smoking. |
Indicated intervention | Psychosocial Interventions | Theraputic interventions/treatments to produce change in psychological, social, biological and/or functional outcomes. Interventions might help people to improve their general coping skills, tackle specific problems, manage psychiatric disorders, improve self-esteem etc. Examples include cognitive behavioural therapy, dialetical behaviour therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy etc. |
Selective interventions | Means restriction | Interventions designed to restrict means to suicide (e.g. physical barriers, preventing access, reducing environmental hazards), |
Selective interventions | Gatekeeper training | Interventions designed to equip people/professionals in particular settings to increase knowledge and skills, identify warning signs and refer to other services. |
Selective interventions | Awareness raising | Interventions to raise awareness in the community, or specific settings, of the scale and impact of a subject, address common misconceptions & encourage help-seeking etc. |
National Campaigns | National Campaigns aiming to promote a certain behaviour change (e.g. to increase childrens physical activity). |
Transport / Active Travel | Interventions to promote active travel or transport options, or to increase rates of active travel. |
Behaviour Change Interventions | Coordinated sets of activities designed to change specified behaviour patterns. |
Advice/guidance | Advice or guidance given to an individual around behaviour change or lifestyle modification. Could include signposting to relevant services. |
Multicomponent physical activity interventions | Physical activity interventions consisting of multiple separate components. For example, an exercise programme, plus advice and guidance, plus a media campaign. |
Digital Interventions | Interventions / programmes accessed or delivered via technology platforms (e.g. computers, smartphones, virtual reality, wearables). Intervention content can be generic or individualised/tailored. |
Music therapy | ||
Music | ||
Social inclusion | ||
Smoke free policies / Legislation | Smoke free policies or legislation, implemented universally or in certain settings. For example, banning smoking in public spaces. |
Whole system interventions | "A local whole systems approach responds to complexity through an ongoing, dynamic and flexible way of working. It enables local stakeholders, including communities, to come together, share an understanding of the reality of the challenge, consider how the local system is operating and where there are the greatest opportunities for change. Stakeholders agree actions and decide as a network how to work together in an integrated way to bring about sustainable, long term systems change" (PHE Definition, 2019) |
Patient incentives | Interventions that provide incentives to patients to get vaccinated, such as monetary or non-monetary rewards |
Provider incentives | Interventions that provide incentives to those who administer vaccinations, such as a payment per patient vaccinated |
Volunteering | Interventions that include any act of giving time (unpaid) to help an organisation, community or individual with the aim of sharing expertise, skills, experience or providing a positive benefit. |
Arts and recreation | Interventions incorporating leisure activities such as music, crafts, cooking, singing, cultural programmes etc. for entertainment and recreational purposes. |
Social support | Interventions that provide opportunities for increased support to an individual through social ties to other individuals, groups, and the larger community |
Service signposting | Interventions that provide service users with details of organisations or agencies that may be able to provide assistance. |
Reminder/recall (provider) | Interventions that provide reminders to those who administer vaccinations that individual patients are due for specific vaccinations |
Reminder/recall (patient) | Interventions that provide reminder or recall services to patients to get vaccinated |
Health literacy | Interventions that aim to improve an individual's ability to access, understand, appraise and apply health information in order to make sound health decisions about vaccination |
Multicomponent Interventions | More than one element from any of the other categories |
Psychosocial interventions | Theraputic interventions/treatments to produce change in psychological, social, biological and/or functional outcomes. Interventions might help people to improve their general coping skills, tackle specific problems, manage psychiatric disorders, improve self-esteem etc. Examples include cognitive behavioural therapy, dialetical behaviour therapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy etc. |
Provider education | Interventions that aim to increase providers' knowledge or change their attitudes about vaccinations |
Improving access | Interventions that aim to improve patient access to vaccinations, such as home visits |
Universal intervention | ||
Reminder/recall services | Interventions that provide reminders or recall services to patients and providers for upcoming vaccinations. |
Education Interventions | Educational teaching aiming to do things such as inform on a subject or provide awareness/information. For example: classroom based diadctic and experimental programmes or academic courses. |
Targeted intervention | Targeted intervention | |
Changing attitudes and social norms around alcohol | Interventions to change peoples general attitude to drinking or change social norms around alcohol use. For example, this could include things such as: interventions to help people undertand the risk and impact of alcohol related harm, alcohol education in school curriculums and regulating the alcohol marketing industry. |
Fostering safe and supportive environments | Safe and supportive environment interventions may include things such as: enacting appropriate policies in key settings (schools, workplaces etc), partnership working to prevent alcohol related harm within communities and interventions to reduce the numbers of people drinking and driving. |
Other Psychosocial Therapies | Therapies which include, but are not limited to: incentives, peer support and social support |
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy | Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help poeple manage problems by changing the way they think and behave. |
Any intervention with WEMWBS scores as an outcome | Any intervention which uses the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale to measure outcomes |
Alternative smoking cessation therapies | Unconventional smoking cessation aids, including but not limited to: acupuncture, exercise, the Allen Carr method, hypnosis, and herbal remedies. The NHS does not suggest or recommend hypnosis or acupuncture as there's not enough evidence they help with smoking cessation. |
Electronic Nicotine Delivery System | Electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems (EN&NNDS) are a heterogeneous class of products that use an electrically powered coil to heat and turn a liquid into an aerosol, which is inhaled by the user. |
Self-Help Materials | Self-help therapies are psychological therapies that can be undertaken in a person's own time to help with problems like stress, anxiety and depression. |
Motivational Interviewing | Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based psychological intervention. It supports a person to explore and resolve their uncertainty about change and helps establish a therapeutic relationship. |
Behaviour Support | Behavioural therapies which could be brief (such as brief advice) or more intensive (such as multiple counselling sessions). Interventions could be general or tailored to specific individuals. Behavioural therapies may be underpinned by theoretical frameworks to help them achieve their aims. |
Other Pharmacotherapies | Drug-based smoking cessation therapies, including but not limited to: cytisine, clozapine, fluoxetine, galantamine, naltrexone and nortriptyline. |
Nicotine Replacement Therapy | Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is a medicine that provides people with a low level of nicotine, without the tar, carbon monoxide and other poisonous chemicals present in tobacco smoke. It can help reduce unpleasant withdrawal effects, such as bad moods and cravings, which may occur when stopping smoking. |
Varenicline | Varenicline (also known as Champix) is a medicine that can help stop smoking. It was only available on prescription. It reduces the cravings for nicotine and helps with the withdrawal symptoms people get when stopping smoking. Varenicline is not currently available in the UK or Europe. It has been withdrawn as a precaution, because of an impurity found in the medicine. It may be unavailable long-term. It's not yet known whether it will be available again in future. |
Case management | Interventions involving case management for individuals |
Universal Smoking Cessation Interventions | Universal smoking cessation interventions are targeted towards or available to the general population. This includes pharmacist-led interventions, quit lines and mass media campaigns. It could also include social support interventions, if delivered or available universally. |
Indicated intervention: | Emergency care follow-up | Active follow-up care following emergency department visit for a suicide attempt. This could include things such as text message or home visit follow-up and could occur at various time points. |
Healthy eating | ||
Skills training | Interventions aimed at developing and learning techniques with the aim of improving mental wellbeing. |
Community engagement | Interventions involving collaborative work with groups of people with a similar interest to address issues affecting mental wellbeing. |
Pastoral | Interventions where suport and guidance is provided by religious or spiritual leaders. |
Psychoeducation | Interventions aimed at equipping individuals or populations with information on how to manage, treat or cope with issues affecting their mental wellbeing. |
Psychotherapy | Interventions aimed at alleviating issues affecting mental wellbeing through conversation. |
Curriculum-based intervention | Interventions where a part of the school curriculum is adapted. |
Health promotion education | Interventions aimed at enabling individuals or populations to improve their health (mental wellbeing). |
Relational intervention | Interventions that focus on improving the quality of relationships between individuals. |
Service provision | Interventions aimed at delivering and providing services to alleviate issues pertaining to mental wellbeing. |
Interventions promoting independence | ||
Mental health care education | ||
Creative projects for wellbeing | ||
Interventions to maintain/improve mental wellbeing | ||
Interventions to improve life satisfaction | Any intervention designed to improve life satsifaction |
Interventions to reduce loneliness | Interventions designed to reduce loneliness |
Resiliency promotion | Interventions aimed at increasing resliliency amongst individuals |
Sport and dance | Interventions involving sport and dance |
Volunteering | Interventions that involve volunterering in any capacity |
Intergenerational intervention | Intergenerational interventions designed to improve the wellbeing of older people, such as reminiscence |
Interventions to improve health and social outcome | Interventions designed to improve health and social outcomes |
Interventions to promote wellbeing at work | Interventions designed to promote wellbeing at work |
Mental health promotion | Any intervention designed to promote mental health, such as counselling or mental health first aid |
Occupational therapy and physical activity | Interventions involving occupational therapy or physical activity |
Stress management | Interventions designed to improve an individual's ability to manage stress |
Supervisor training | Interventions designed to improve the wellbeing of supervisors |
Video calling | Interventions that involve video calling for older people |
Interventions to support and protect families | As alcohol misuse not only harms the individual drinker but may also effect the health and wellbeing of their wider family, this category includes interventions such as: support to families of those with alcohol misuse disorders, support for pregnant women to reduce drinking etc. |
Reducing alcohol availability | Reducing the availability of alcohol via legislation, policies, programmes or interventions such as those which may reduce the density of outlets selling alcohol, limit alcohol outlet selling hours or enact a minimum age for alcohol purchase etc. |
Reducing alcohol affordability | Interventions to reduce the affordability of alcohol (as affordability influences consumption), such as taxation. |
Supporting behaviour change | Behaviour change interventions such as those that may aim to raise awareness of harmful drinking and help individuals to make changes to their drinking habits. |
Outcome | Description |
Smoking cessation | Participants who have stopped smoking post-intervention. |
Smoking Intention | Participants intention to start smoking post-intervention. |
Smoking initiation | Numbers of participants who have started to smoke post-intervention. |
Changes to smoking rates | Changes to the overall rates of people smoking across a population. |
Suicide | The act or instance of taking ones own life voluntarily and intentionally. |
Self harm | Deliberate injury to oneself. |
Smoking status | Change to an individuals smoking status (E.g previous smoker now quit, or previous non-smoker now smoking). |
Change in prevalence of substance misuse disorders | The review includes change in the prevalence of substance misuse disorders as an outcome of interest. |
Change in drug/alcohol consumption | The review includes a measure of change in drug or alcohol consumption as an outcome of interest. |
Uptake of drugs/alcohol | The review includes a measure of uptake of drugs or alcohol as an outcome of interest. |
Cigarette Consumption | Changes in numbers of cigarettes participants smoked per day. |
Change in physical activity | Changes in participants levels of physical activity. |
Uptake of, or change in active travel | Changes in participants levels of active travel, including uptake of active travel options post-intervention. |
N/A | |
Change in measures of loneliness | Any change in loneliness measured using a validated scale (e.g. UCLA loneliness scale). |
Improved social support | Improved access to support provided through social ties to other individuals, groups, and the larger community |
Improved social inclusion | Improved participation in society through enhancing opportunities, access to resources, voice and respect for rights. |
Uptake of vaccinations | The number of people who have received a vaccination |
Cost effectiveness | Cost of the intervention |
Adverse Effects | The review includes response to a vaccine which is noxious and unintended as an outcome of interest. |
Smoking Intention to Quit | Whether an individual is willing to quit smoking. |
Change in vaccination rates | Any decrease or increase in vaccination rates |
Abstinence from alcohol | |
Changes to frequency/amount of alcohol use | |
Relapse | |
Adverse Events | |
Changes to parent/patient attitudes or beliefs | The review includes change in parent or patient attitudes, perceptions and beliefs as an outcome of interest. |
Service provision/process outcomes | The review includes service provision or process outcomes of the health services provided as an outcome of interest |
Patient Satisfaction | The review includes patient satisfaction as outcome of interest. |
Other | The review includes outcomes that do not fit into one of the other outcome categories included on the specific map of interest. |
Academic outcomes | |
Accessibility of interventions | |
Barriers or facilitators | |
Other outcomes: quality of life, economic outcomes | |
Smoking Quit Attempts | A quit attempt is defined as planned if smokers set a quit date at some future time point. An unplanned quit attempt is defined as a sudden decision not to smoke any more cigarettes including those that might be remaining in the current pack. |
Smoking Relapse Prevention | Preventing resumption of smoking after successful smoking cessation and abstinence. |
social, emotional or mental wellbeing | A change in any outcome measure of social, emotional or mental wellbeing |