Sylwer fod y cymhwysiad hwn dan ddatblygiad. Os ydych chi'n gweld unrhyw gamgymeriadau neu os nad yw rhywbeth yn gweithio, cysylltwch â ni yn

Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking (high-risk drinking) and alcohol dependence

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2011)


Mapiau Tystiolaeth

  • Lleoliadau Gofal: Lleoliad gofal iechyd
  • Lleoliadau Gofal: Lleoliad cymunedol
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Oedolion
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Plant ac Oedolion Ifanc
  • Ymyriadau: cefnogi newid ymddygiad
  • Canlyniad: Abstinence from alcohol
  • Canlyniad: Changes to frequency/amount of alcohol use

Math o Dystiolaeth



Dywed yr awduron

"This guideline covers identifying, assessing and managing alcohol-use disorders (harmful drinking and alcohol dependence) in adults and young people aged 10 to 17 years. It aims to reduce harms (such as liver disease, heart problems, depression and anxiety) from alcohol by improving assessment and setting goals for reducing alcohol consumption."


Dywed yr awduron:

"This guideline includes recommendations on:

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