Sylwer fod y cymhwysiad hwn dan ddatblygiad. Os ydych chi'n gweld unrhyw gamgymeriadau neu os nad yw rhywbeth yn gweithio, cysylltwch â ni yn

Preventing suicide in community and custodial settings. Evidence review 5 for interventions to support people bereaved or affected by a suspected suicide.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018)

NICE - n/a

Mapiau Tystiolaeth

  • Lleoliadau Gofal: Lleoliadau eraill
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Oedolion
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Plant a Phobl ifanc
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Bereaved or affected by a suspected suicide.
  • Ymyriadau: Ymyrraeth ddetholus:: Psychosocial Interventions
  • Canlyniad: Hunanladdiad

Math o Dystiolaeth

Adolygiad Sylfaenol NICE


Dywed yr awduron: This evidence review underpinning NICE guidance NG105 addressed the following review questions: Are approaches that provide people affected by suicide with information about grief and bereavement and bereavement support services (postvention) effective and cost effective at encouraging those people to seek help? What impact do the following have on the effectiveness, cost effectiveness of different interventions: deliverer, setting, timing?


Dywed yr awduron: "The evidence from this review supports the recommendations 1.8 Supporting people bereaved or affected by a suspected suicide. The following recommendation for research is also based on this evidence review: 2. How effective and cost effective are interventions to support people in the community who are bereaved or affected by a suicide?"