Sylwer fod y cymhwysiad hwn dan ddatblygiad. Os ydych chi'n gweld unrhyw gamgymeriadau neu os nad yw rhywbeth yn gweithio, cysylltwch â ni yn

Smoking: workplace interventions

Bell, K et al (2007)


Mapiau Tystiolaeth

  • Lleoliadau Gofal: Lleoliad gweithle
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Y boblogaeth yn gyffredinol
  • Ymyriadau: Bupropian
  • Ymyriadau: Deunyddiau Hunangymorth
  • Ymyriadau: Cymorth Ymddygiad
  • Ymyriadau: Therapi Amnewid Nicotin
  • Canlyniad: Rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu

Math o Dystiolaeth



Mae'r awduron yn datgan:

"This guideline covers how employers can encourage and support employees to stop smoking. It aims to reduce the number of people who smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke and the rate of diseases and conditions caused by smoking."


Mae'r awduron yn datgan:

"Recommendation 1. Employers.

• Publicise the interventions identified in this guidance and make information on local stop smoking support services widely available at work. This information should include details on the type of help available, when and where, and how to access the services. • Be responsive to individual needs and preferences. Where feasible, and where there is sufficient demand, provide on-site stop smoking support. • Allow staff to attend smoking cessation services during working hours without loss of pay. • Develop a smoking cessation policy in collaboration with staff and their representatives as one element of an overall smokefree workplace policy.

Recommendation 2. Employees who want to stop smoking.

• Contact local smoking cessation services, such as the NHS Stop Smoking Services, for information, advice and support.

Recommendation 3 Employees and their representatives. 

• Encourage employers to provide advice, guidance and support to help employees who want to stop smoking.

Recommendation 4  All those offering smoking cessation services including the NHS, independent or commercial organisations and employers. 

• Offer one or more interventions that have been proven to be effective (see above). • Ensure smoking cessation support and treatment is delivered only by staff who have received training that complies with the Standard for training in smoking cessation treatments). • Ensure smoking cessation support and treatment is tailored to the employee's needs and preferences, taking into account their circumstances and offering locations and schedules to suit them.

Recommendation 5  Managers of NHS Stop Smoking Services.

• Offer support to employers who want to help their employees to stop smoking. Where appropriate and feasible, provide support on the employer's premises. • If initial demand exceeds the resources available, focus on the following: - small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - enterprises where a high proportion of employees are on low pay - enterprises where a high proportion of employees are from a disadvantaged background - enterprises where a high proportion of employees are heavy smokers.

Recommendation 6  Strategic health authorities and primary care trusts.

Ensure local NHS Stop Smoking Services are able to respond to fluctuations in demand, particularly before and after implementation of smokefree legislation."

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