Sylwer fod y cymhwysiad hwn dan ddatblygiad. Os ydych chi'n gweld unrhyw gamgymeriadau neu os nad yw rhywbeth yn gweithio, cysylltwch â ni yn

A systematic review of the wellbeing outcomes of music and singing in adults and the processes by which wellbeing outcomes are achieved. Volume 1: Music and singing for wellbeing in healthy adults.

Daykin et al. (2017)

What Works Centre for Wellbeing - 10.1177/17579139177403

Mapiau Tystiolaeth

  • Lleoliadau Gofal: Unrhyw osodiad
  • Grwpiau Poblogaeth: Oedolion
  • Ymyriadau: Music
  • Canlyniad: Canlyniadau lles cymdeithasol, emosiynol neu feddy

Math o Dystiolaeth

Adolygiad Systematig


The role of arts and music in supporting subjective wellbeing (SWB) is increasingly recognised. Robust evidence is needed to support policy and practice. This article reports on the first of four reviews of Culture, Sport and Wellbeing (CSW) commissioned by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-funded What Works Centre for Wellbeing (


To identify SWB outcomes for music and singing in adults.


A wide range of wellbeing measures was used, with no consistency in how SWB was measured across the studies. A wide range of activities was reported, most commonly music listening and regular group singing. Music has been associated with reduced anxiety in young adults, enhanced mood and purpose in adults and mental wellbeing, quality of life, self-awareness and coping in people with diagnosed health conditions. Music and singing have been shown to be effective in enhancing morale and reducing risk of depression in older people. Few studies address SWB in people with dementia. While there are a few studies of music with marginalised communities, participants in community choirs tend to be female, white and relatively well educated. Research challenges include recruiting participants with baseline wellbeing scores that are low enough to record any significant or noteworthy change following a music or singing intervention.


There is reliable evidence for positive effects of music and singing on wellbeing in adults. There remains a need for research with sub-groups who are at greater risk of lower levels of wellbeing, and on the processes by which wellbeing outcomes are, or are not, achieved.

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