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Adolygiad Sylfaenol NICE
Dywed yr awduron:
"This evidence report covers two review questions, each with two parts:
C. Which interventions are effective and cost effective at reducing proxy purchasing of tobacco on behalf of children and young people, through engaging and educating retailers and the general public?
C. Do these interventions change perceptions of the social acceptability of proxy purchasing? In what way, and what aspects of interventions are perceived as having caused the change?
D. Which interventions are effective and cost effective at reducing the supply of illicit tobacco to children, young people and young adults, through engaging and educating retailers and the general public?
D. Do these interventions change perceptions of the social acceptability of supply of illicit tobacco? In what way, and what aspects of interventions are perceived as having caused the change?"
Dywed yr awduron: "No [NICE] recommendations were supported by this evidence review".